APA Format
Nandang Sutrisno;
. (2006). The Ineffectiveness of WTO S&D provisions: notes from the experience of Indonesia in the US - Byrd amendement
. Jakarta : Dephankam
MLA Format
Nandang Sutrisno;
. The Ineffectiveness of WTO S&D provisions: notes from the experience of Indonesia in the US - Byrd amendement
. Jakarta : Dephankam, 2006
Chicago Format
Nandang Sutrisno;
. The Ineffectiveness of WTO S&D provisions: notes from the experience of Indonesia in the US - Byrd amendement
. Jakarta : Dephankam, 2006
Australian/Harvard Format
Nandang Sutrisno;
. 2006. The Ineffectiveness of WTO S&D provisions: notes from the experience of Indonesia in the US - Byrd amendement
. Dephankam Jakarta