APA Format
Saeed, Khalid; Pejas, Jerzy; Mosdorf, Romuald
. (2006). Biometrics, computer security systems and artificial intelligence applications
. London and New York : Springer
MLA Format
Saeed, Khalid; Pejas, Jerzy; Mosdorf, Romuald
. Biometrics, computer security systems and artificial intelligence applications
. London and New York : Springer, 2006
Chicago Format
Saeed, Khalid; Pejas, Jerzy; Mosdorf, Romuald
. Biometrics, computer security systems and artificial intelligence applications
. London and New York : Springer, 2006
Australian/Harvard Format
Saeed, Khalid; Pejas, Jerzy; Mosdorf, Romuald
. 2006. Biometrics, computer security systems and artificial intelligence applications
. Springer London and New York