APA Format
. (2004). conter bomb: protecting your self against car, mail and area emplaced bomb: perlindungan diri menghadapi bomb mobil, bomb surat dan bomb yg di taruh
. Jakarta : Cipta Manunggal
MLA Format
. conter bomb: protecting your self against car, mail and area emplaced bomb: perlindungan diri menghadapi bomb mobil, bomb surat dan bomb yg di taruh
. Jakarta : Cipta Manunggal, 2004
Chicago Format
. conter bomb: protecting your self against car, mail and area emplaced bomb: perlindungan diri menghadapi bomb mobil, bomb surat dan bomb yg di taruh
. Jakarta : Cipta Manunggal, 2004
Australian/Harvard Format
. 2004. conter bomb: protecting your self against car, mail and area emplaced bomb: perlindungan diri menghadapi bomb mobil, bomb surat dan bomb yg di taruh
. Cipta Manunggal Jakarta